The training will also be for taxi drivers and transport operators
Safer Cornwall’s Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence team are visiting towns across the county to offer a FREE training package staff for bars, clubs and taxis. It will give staff the skills, confidence and strategies to intervene in situations which present a risk of escalating to sexual violence or sexual assault.

Following the success of the training piloted in Falmouth for the Safer Streets 3 bid, the sessions will provide staff with an overview of the context underpinning the issue of violence against women and girls (VAWG) in the UK, providing an understanding of sexual violence in all its forms.
We explore stereotypes and common misconceptions about VAWG, and then introduce the concept of ‘active bystandership’ and how every day bystanders can, with the right skills, intervene to make a positive different in an otherwise risky situation.
Staff will be taught a range of tools to safely support or challenge behaviours in their day to day roles in the evening and night-time economy. They will also be provided guidance on how to respond if a person in their workplace discloses an incident or sexual violence.
Links to book these exciting events can be found below;
St Ives – Bystander Training, St Ives Tickets, Thu 29 Sep 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite