Cornwall leading in combined treatment orders

11 August 2022

Since October 2020, Magistrates Courts in Cornwall have been able to include a Mental Health Treatment Requirement (MHTR) as part of a Community Order, in addition to Drug Rehabilitation Requirements (DRR) and Alcohol Treatment Requirements (ATR). All requirements are delivered by We Are With You, the local drug and alcohol treatment and support service who have received 138 recommendations for MHTR and combined orders in that time.

The Community Sentence Treatment Requirements (CSTR) programme aims to reduce reoffending and short-term custodial sentences by addressing the health and social care issues of the offender. It consists of the 3 options mentioned above; MHTRs, ATRs and DRRs and the court can add one of these options, or a combination, to a sentencing order.

Promoting the work

Cornwall have been leading the way in the CSTR programme including working with the Ministry of Justice to develop a video describing the benefits of combined CSTRs for pre-sentence report writers and service users.

To help promote the work being done in Cornwall the Drug and Alcohol Action Team who commission the programme have started a quarterly newsletter which you can access below.

Download PDF File

Cornwall CSTR Newsletter No.1

Download PDF File

Cornwall CSTR Newsletter No.2

We Are With You in Cornwall logo

If you would like more information about the programme contact We Are With You on 0333 2000 325

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