As part of the governments approach to tackling Violence Against Women and Girls, the Home Office have published a national statement of expectations, a commissioning toolkit and guidance on supporting male victims of crimes considered violence against women and girls.
The National Statement of Expectations (NSE) sets out how local areas can commission effective services to ensure their response to crimes which disproportionately affect women and girls is as collaborative, robust and effective as it can be so that all victims and survivors can get the help they need. The Commissioning Toolkit provides practical guidance for commissioners on how to effectively commission services to support anyone affected by violence against women and girls. The guidance on supporting male victims of crimes considered violence against women and girls updates and replaces the first Male Victims Position Statement, published in 2019, and reiterates the government’s commitment to ensuring that male victims of crimes which disproportionately affect women and girls are supported.
Safer Cornwall’s approach to joint commissioning an integrated domestic abuse and sexual violence service through a pooled DASV budget has been recognised as best practise and included as a case study in the national commissioning toolkit. Violence Against Women and Girls National Statement of Expectations and Commissioning Toolkit – GOV.UK ( There is recognition that the pooled budget and joint commissioning model ensures that the service meets the need of all key partners’ strategic objectives and client demographics and has assisted Safer Cornwall in determining a joined up approach to wider commissioning, procurement and spend.
The service was also held up as a best practise example in their approach to supporting male victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. Supporting male victims of crimes considered violence against women and girls – GOV.UK (