Library – Strategies and Evidence A library of documents and publications to download covering all aspects of crime and disorder in Cornwall.

Quick list

Safer Cornwall Partnership Plan

This is our new three year Partnership Plan that will run until 31 March 2025. It sets out how together we will achieve our shared vision where our communities feel safe and are safe for everyone who lives, works and visits here. It is based on priorities identified through the 2021/22 Strategic Assessment and agreed by all partners.

Safer Cornwall Partnership Plan 2022–25 refresh Safer Cornwall Partnership Plan 2022-25 Easy Read

Constitution and Terms of Reference

This Constitution provides the operating framework and seeks to support effective partnership working, provide clarity of roles and responsibilities and accountability for decision making. The Partnership reviews the constitution on a three yearly basis (at minimum) to coincide with other cyclical strategic responsibilities, or more often if circumstances change

Safer Cornwall Constitution and ToR last update Jul 2023

Community Safety information Sharing

The purpose of this protocol is to facilitate the lawful exchange of information to support effective partnership working and compliance with the statutory duties placed on Community Safety Partnerships.


As part of the development of our new Partnership Plan, Safer Cornwall invites local people to “Have Your Say” about the community safety issues that matter on a day-to-day basis in the local area and what could be done to improve things. In 2022, the on-line survey was available on our website in July and August and a series of face-to-face events were held across Cornwall over the summer months.

These reports provides the key findings from the 2023 on-line survey.

Have Your Say 2023 – on-line survey report Have Your Say Survey 2023 – Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence findings Have Your Say Survey 2023 – Drugs Have Your Say Survey 2023 – Safeguarding Have Your Say Survey 2023 – Vehicle related issues

Delivery Plan

Our Delivery Plan provides the detail about how this will be achieved over the next three years, alongside the specific things that we want to achieve in 2022/25 Our Delivery Plan is kept under constant review and may be subject to further revision if the national situation changes, for example, if a further lockdown is imposed.

Safer Cornwall Delivery Plan 2024_25 Safer Cornwall Partnership Plan 2022_25 Performance Framework 2024_25

Strategic Assessment

To make the best use of resources, the Plan focuses on the issues that present the greatest risk to the safety of individuals, their families and the wider community and these are identified through the Strategic Assessment. The strategic assessment combines data analysis with insight, expertise and knowledge from local subject experts and the findings of relevant national research.

The strategic assessment is presented as an overview and a set of thematic assessments, covering the following topics:

A new Strategic Assessment is produced every 3 years when we write a new Partnership Plan. Every year during each three-year period, we undertake a review of all the information in the Strategic Assessment to keep it up-to-date and publish a summary in the Partnership Plan.

Safer Cornwall Strategic Assessment 2021_22

Serious Violence

This is the first version of our Strategic Framework to prevent and reduce violence in our communities. It brings together the key elements of our existing strategies that target violence in different contexts, such as our Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy, our Domestic Abuse Strategy and our Exploitation Strategy, alongside wider work across the system to address the underlying risk factors of violent behaviours. Published alongside it is a summary strategic assessment, that helps us to understand the key issues for Cornwall.

Safer Cornwall Serious Violence Strategic Framework

The new Serious Violence Duty  sets out requirements for local areas to have a dedicated focus and plan for tackling serious violence. The Duty was introduced by the government as part of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021.  Safer Cornwall is the lead partnership to deliver the Duty in Cornwall.

Safer Cornwall Serious Violence SNA summary

Peninsula Strategic Assessment

Since 2012, analysts representing Devon and Cornwall Community Safety Partnerships and the police have worked together to build a shared evidence base, in the form of the Peninsula Strategic Assessment (PSA) and the suite of Organised Crime Local Profiles (OCLPs) that support the local delivery of the Government’s Serious and Organised Crime Strategy.

The PSA identifies and describes the main threats and risks to community safety across Devon and Cornwall, bringing together the key messages from the strategic assessments undertaken in each of the CSP areas, and includes the impacts of COVID based on our experiences of the first lockdown and the following months. It also identifies what responses are in place, highlights any areas for improvement and includes examples of best practice and innovation from individual CSPs.

It is used to support Peninsula collaboration and specifically to support the Police and Crime Commissioner in understanding and prioritising crime and disorder issues in Devon and Cornwall and developing the Police and Crime Plan.

Peninsula Strategic Assessment refresh 2022_23

Safer Town Profiles

Town profiles have been developed for each of the ten towns in the Safer Towns Programme. The profiles aim to provide an understanding of trends in crime and anti-social behaviour alongside the key characteristics of each town and the views of local residents. These profiles were produced to inform the place-based action plans for each town and will be updated on an annual basis every autumn.

Bodmin Town Profile Camborne and Redruth Safer Town Profile Falmouth Town Profile Liskeard Town Profile Newquay Town Profile Penzance Town Profile Saltash Town Profile St Austell Town Profile Truro Town Profile

Other Needs Assessments


Cornwall Council and Cornwall’s Community Safety Partnership, Safer Cornwall, are responsible for reducing the harm related to drugs and alcohol locally. As such it is important to review local needs and evidence for drug and alcohol provision and assess the impacts upon individuals, families and local communities. This information is used to inform the commissioning of a range of services and system improvements that seek to make a positive impact.

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Drugs Needs Assessment 2022_23


This needs assessment has been developed to help us understand how alcohol is impacting on the population of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and assess the effectiveness of our current response to reducing alcohol harms.

The findings will provide the evidence base for our new alcohol strategy which we will develop with partners.

CIoS Alcohol Needs Assessment 2022

Alcohol Strategy

New document coming soon.

Young people’s Substance Use Needs Assessment

This Needs Assessment has been developed in accordance with the Public Health England JSNA Support Pack and NICE guidelines. The findings of this Needs Assessment, along with the Adult Drug Treatment and Alcohol Needs Assessment will provide the evidence base for the local Commissioning Strategy and will ensure that the redesign of drug treatment provision will be evidence led.

Young Peoples Substance Use Needs Assessment 2022_23

This is the twentieth annual Drug Related Deaths report for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, covering the calendar year 2022. It follows the guidance and requirements by the Department of Health and the Home Office for all Areas to have in place a system of recording and conducting confidential inquiries into drug related deaths within their specific areas.

Drug Related Death report 2022

Drug Strategy Report – One Year On

This report showcases the work done locally in support of the Government Drug Strategy ‘From Harm to Hope’

Drug Strategy – One Year On

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

The needs assessment aims to provide a shared understanding of local need in relation to domestic abuse and sexual violence, to inform the development of local services and enable everyone affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence to have their needs met more effectively. It provides answers to the following questions:

The first comprehensive needs assessment on domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall was published in January 2016.  This update brings the prevalence and trend data up-to-date, highlighting changes in patterns and trends and any emerging risks. It includes a review of the effectiveness of commissioned services and the wider system, using the latest data from the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Outcomes Framework.

DASV Needs Assessment

The new Domestic Abuse Act 2021 introduced specific duties with respect to providing safe accommodation, including a local needs assessment and a strategy.

The needs assessment provides specific information relating to safe accommodation, to meet the new duty, set within the broader context of the local need for domestic abuse support services. Click here to read the Safe Accommodation Strategy.

DASV Needs Assessment Safe Accommodation

This is a partner document to the 2021/22 refresh of the wider Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Needs Assessment

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy

This new strategy brings together Safer Cornwall (Cornwall’s Community Safety Partnership); Our Safeguarding Children’s Partnership; and Cornwall’s Safeguarding Adults Board. It is the first cross partnership DASV strategy for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, bringing together the key organisations
who play a role in making our county a place where domestic abuse and sexual abuse is not tolerated.

Cornwall and IoS Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy 2023-28

Violence against Women and Girls Strategy

This strategy brings together the three statutory boards in Cornwall with the responsibility for
community safety and safeguarding adults and children, and all of the Organisations that are
represented through these Boards, to develop a shared vision and understanding to end VAWG. This
strategy and its delivery plan are co-owned by all three boards and there is a joint commitment to its

Cornwall and IoS Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-2028

CIOS Missing and Sexual Exploitation Strategy

Tackling the sexual exploitation of children, young people and adults at risk

Exploitation Strategy

Anti-social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour in all its forms is a very visible sign of disorder in our communities and is closely linked to perceptions of safety, satisfaction with the local area as a place to live, and confidence in local services. In its most persistent and serious forms anti-social behaviour can have a significant impact on health and wellbeing. Our strategy sets out a coordinated approach to address anti-social behaviour to ensure we work together to exercise our responsibilities in order to protect the rights of those living, working and visiting Cornwall.

Cornwall ASB Strategy 2020-2023

Reoffending Strategy

Our overarching outcome is to:

Reduce reoffending of adults, children and young people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly in order to reduce crime and prevent further victims. The intention is to reduce both the volume and seriousness of offences i.e. to address risk and harm.

Safer Cornwall Reoffending Strategy 2016-2019

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Community Profiles

Community Profiles allow you to find, explore and use a wide range of facts and figures at different geographic levels for Cornwall, highlighting variations  and how areas compare against others across Cornwall.

Click here to see your community profile