Lunch and Learn Sessions: Cornwall and Human Learning Systems Week 10th – 14th October

23 September 2022

Are you tired of working within the constraints of system that doesn’t support the lives of people you most wish to help? Baffled by the targets you are asked to meet that rarely change things for the long term? Want to work more collaboratively with other partners on the things that matter the most but are prevented from doing so? Think there might be a better way of working but not sure where to start or what to look for?

Human Learning Systems might be just what you are looking for. Human Learning Systems is an approach designed for those who want to change the way public service works through exploring the potential of taking a more human, collaborative approach and adopting system wide learning to achieve better outcomes.

Human Learning Systems week 2022 is running from the 10th to the 14th October. Cornwall is running an introductory session to Human Learning Systems where you can come along and learn a little more about what taking a Human Learning Systems approach means and hear from a range of individuals who are experimenting locally with it.  These events are the first in a series of events planned for Cornwall.

The Lunch and Learn events are identical so you only need to sign up for one. You can choose between the following dates:

Both events are co-led by colleagues from across Cornwall Council and Partners and you can book a space via Eventbrite

Links to join the events will be sent out to attendees a few days before each event

Human Learning Systems week – national programme

In addition to the Cornwall events, there is a whole week of national events led by the Human Learning System community.  All events are free to attend.  You can browse the schedule here: Airtable – Human Learning Systems Week ’22 and sign up for the events here: HLS Week Registration Form (

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