Safer Futures are hosting a series of webinars throughout Men’s Health Week in June 2024. Launching this week, the daily webinars include behaviour change and addressing men’s abusive behaviour; celebrating men’s vulnerability; support for men who have experienced domestic abuse; and strategies for supporting men and boys’ mental health.
The first webinar, Understanding and Addressing Male Abusive Behaviour is hosted by Change 4 U, Safer Futures’ behaviour change programme. It will explore the origins and underlying factors contributing to abusive behaviour, including the role of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
Men’s Health Week originated in the United States in 1994 and has since spread to countries around the world. It is a time to raise awareness, foster open conversations, and empower men to take control of their mental and physical well-being.
By focusing on men’s mental health, Safer Futures aims to reduce the stigma surrounding men’s mental health issues and promote open dialogue, whilst specifically looking at how men are affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence (DASV) too.
Surveys show that males everywhere are reluctant to talk about their mental health and are more likely to die by suicide than females. Many men find themselves grappling with prescriptive, antiquated ideas about gender — and this struggle can contribute to mental health issues and make it difficult to seek the help they need.
“I am excited to be hosting this series of webinars alongside my colleagues. From our experience it can be very difficult for men to open up about their feelings and their struggles with mental health. We hope that these webinars will help continue to create a dialogue and enable practitioners and the community to have a better understanding of this issue, our services, and learn some useful techniques and interventions along the way.”
Danny Byrne, Barnardo’s – Safer Futures
Safer Futures is the integrated domestic abuse and sexual violence service for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, delivered by First Light and Barnardo’s. The service offers a range of early intervention, prevention, therapy and recovery programmes to children,young people and adults affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Change 4 U provides single-sex group support to men and women who display abusive behaviour within their relationships. It provides three tiers of support to men and women to change behaviour and develop healthier relationship skills, knowledge and understanding.
Webinar programme
Mon 10 June 2024: 10:00-11:30 – online
Understanding and Addressing Male Abusive Behaviour
Book here
Tues 11 June 2024: 10:00-11:30 – online
Embracing vulnerability in men and ourselves
Book here
Weds 12 June 2024: 10:00-11:30 – online
Breaking the silence: Supporting men who have experienced abuse
Book here
Thurs 13 June: 10:00-11:30 – online
Prioritising self-care: Strategies for men’s mental health
Book here
Fri 14 June: 10:00-11:30 – online
Boys won’t just be boys: Strategies for supporting boys’ mental health
Book here