Safer Cornwall launches CSTR newsletter

21 April 2022

Community Sentence Treatment Requirements (CSTR) have be available as a sentencing option within courst for some time and until recently consisted of Drug Rehabilitation Requirements (DRR) and Alcohol Treatment Requirements (ATR).

Since October 19th 2020, Magistrates Courts in Cornwall have been able to include a Mental Health Treatment Requirement (MHTR) as part of a Community Order in addintion to a DRR and/or ATR. All requirements are delivered by We Are With You, the local drug and alcohol treatment and support service.

The Community Sentence Treatment Requirements (CSTR) programme aims to reduce reoffending and short-term custodial sentences by addressing the health and social care issues of the offender.
A CSTR consists of three options which are available to the courts, Mental Health Treatment Requirement (MHTRs), Alcohol Treatment Requirement (ATR) and Drug Rehabilitation Requirement (DRR). The court can add one of these options to an order or a combination to create a combined order.
The requirements are used as an alternative to short-term prison sentences and can help reduce re-offending by providing access to programmes which can help with the issues that contribute towards their offending behaviour such as drug, alcohol and/or mental health issues.

To raise awareness of these sentencing options and the impact they can have on individuals Safer Cornwall have launched a CSTR newsletter, and you can read the fist edition below

Download PDF File

Cornwall CSTR Newsletter No.1

For more information on CSTRs and the referral process contact on Eve Potts, We Are With You [email protected]

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