Safer Penzance February Highlights

8 March 2023

This February saw the decline in street issues and anti-social behaviour we usually expect this time of year . Issues with groups of youths in the town centre are lessening which will in part be due to Police and partners working with the schools and early intervention programmes. This remains a focus for us. Please continue as always to encourage reporting using the [email protected] email address, the DISC app if you are a business, or 999 if its an emergency.

Actions on crime and anti-social behaviour

Safeguarding Vulnerable People

A very vulnerable male was identified as living in unsuitable conditions and in real danger due to condition he was in. PCSO’s referred the gentleman to Adult Safeguarding and he is now getting the support he needs.

Plymouth Argyle Hosting Free Turn up and Play Sessions

Through Ministry of Justice funding, Argyle Community Trust have secured funding up until the 1st April to continue running some of their ‘Kicks’ turn up and play sessions with young people every Tuesday 6-7pm at Penwith College. Around 30 young people per session have been engaging so far.

Meet your local Policing Team

The Police are holding plenty of drop-in sessions this month, if you have any concerns or just wish to say hi then pop along to one of the below dates;
Tuesdays 14th and 21st March Sennen Farmers Market, Community Hall, Sennen 10:30-12:30
Tuesday 14th March Penzance Sainsburys – 13:00-15:00
Wednesday 15th March Paul Farmer’s Market – 10:00-13:00

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