About this event
The purpose of the training is to offer support to multi-agency professionals who are currently working directly with adolescent clients and have concerns around those client’s substance-use/needs.
This training is unique in that throughout the day reference will be made to a case study of which their story will be told by the young person them self who has previously received support and interventions from YZUP.
The final part of the day will also give participants an opportunity to meet online with the trainer on 1:2:1 basis to discuss any particular young people that they are working with of whom they require some support and or advice for.
Participants can also expect to receive via email; access to the PowerPoint and links and ideas of where to get further information.
The element of substance awareness training will help professionals to:
- Define substances
- Better understand the effects and effects of substances in relation to patterns of use for young people
- Explore local and national trends for young people’s substance use.
The screening training will help support professionals to:
- Define the purpose and benefits of screening
- To identify risk and motivation to change
- Gain confidence in harm reduction practice for young people.
- Help professionals to familiarise themselves with Tier 2 interventions and know how to incorporate these into their practice; and to determine when a referral for specialist support with YZUP is required.
Substance Awareness Learning Outcomes
- Define the term Drug
- Explain Drug Chemical Families
- Effects of substance misuse
- Understand Young People’s substance use and patterns of use
- Defining the local and national trends for young people’s substance use
- Substance Use in a Legal Context
- Adolescent Development
Screening Young People – Learning objectives
- Know how to identify risks and motivation
- Understand the concept of harm reduction
- Know how to plan and deliver tier 2 targeted interventions
- Know how and when to make a referral to YZUP for specialist support for young people on your caseload
About the trainers
Matt Whittaker is a qualified Social Worker (BSC) and Senior Case Practitioner within YZUP (young people’s substance-use service) Cornwall. Matt has many years’ experience in Adult Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation, Youth Justice and young people’s substance use services. He will draw upon these experiences to help inform and share current best practice for professionals; in order to help understand and manage substance-use issues for young people and their families.
Jodie Lynes also has experiences of working in youth justice with a degree in BSC Combined Social Science (Psychology and Sociology) and has been a 1:2:1 with YZUP. Jodie then went onto to design and deliver the YZUP Schools Programme; spent a period of time rolling out and delivering the Mind and Body Programme and now continues as a project worker within the Schools Programme.
Jodie’s experiences of working with young people both in early intervention and prevention and with those experiencing difficulties in relation to their mental health and substance use will be drawn upon throughout the training to help inform and share current best practice for professionals; in order to help understand and manage substance-use issues for young people and their families.
Should you wish to ask any questions about the training please do feel free to contact the trainers on the emails below: [email protected], [email protected], or call YZUP on 01872 300816
The course is free of charge.
For more information please contact the DAAT Team on [email protected]
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