It is illegal for any person to sell alcohol to a child under the age of 18. Both the seller and licence holder may be liable for the offence. The seller can also be issued with an £80 fixed penalty notice. A licence review can lead to conditions being imposed on a trader’s licence, or it may be suspended or revoked.
If you’re under 18, it’s against the law:
It is an offence to sell cigarettes, tobacco products or cigarette papers to anyone under 18. E-cigarettes are also age-restricted products by law and the minimum age to purchase them is 18.
If you have witnessed a premises selling alcohol or tobacco products to under age people you can report it to Trading Standards consumer service here.
Please use the Local Drug Information System form to submit any intelligence or incidents related to illicit substances e.g. incidents involving suspected THC/spice vaping by young people. Anyone can submit information. All information is reviewed by the Drug and Alcohol Action Team and two other partners to assess whether a Drug Alert needs to be issued.
If you or someone you know needs help or support with alcohol or drugs issues We Are With You support adults, children, young adults and older people to make positive behavioural changes. Whether that’s with alcohol, drugs, or mental health and wellbeing You can call them on 0333 2000 325 or contact them online here.
Information is provided by Healthy Cornwall on how to start on conversation with someone about alcohol or stopping smoking, see here.
Smoking related support can be found here: Available Support to quit smoking – Healthy Cornwall. There is no minimum age limit for behaviour support however age restrictions do apply to other methods of intervention (nicotine replacement therapy can be given to anyone aged 12 and over but vapes will only be supplied to those 18 years old and over).
Advice on how to stop smoking is available here.
Government information regarding alcohol and young people is available online here.
Information and advice for schools and professionals about youth vaping can be found here from Healthy Cornwall.