This Alcohol Awareness Week (1st to 7th July) we will be looking at the theme of ‘Understanding Alcohol Harm’ from a range of different perspectives including health, family and emergency services.
Alcohol can have an impact on the individual but the harm can also spread wider to family and friends, the local community and even to our services such as the NHS. As part of this week we want to raise awareness of the wider impact of alcohol harm.
We will be hosting a quiz throughout the week on social media related to the different perspectives and anyone who gets involved with the quiz will be put into a prize draw at the end of the week. The prize will be a hamper made up of alcohol-free drinks and nibbly bits.
The aim of the quiz is to raise awareness and share information as the answers will be shared as part of the planned posts. There are a range of alcohol free versions of our favourite beverages so the hamper is an incentive to give them a try. All the taste without the hangover.
As part of the week we are also holding an event in the Kernow Recovery Community in Pydar. The event will be attended by colleagues from With You, the Anti-Social Behaviour Team, Community Safety and ARA, to name a few.
The event is aimed at supporting the public and sharing information and advice on any issues they may have. We also want to promote fun without alcohol so there will be a selection of games such as walk the line in beer goggles, and nibbles for those who attend.
The event is being promoted via Social media and we have also put up posters in local spots to make people aware.
Anyone is welcome so please come and join us!!