Glossary of Drug and Alcohol Terms This glossary aims to help you with any abbreviations that may have been used within the drug and alcohol pages.


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
A&EAccident & Emergency
ASARAlcohol Specified Activity RequirementAlcohol court sentence requirement
AC&SAdult Care & SupportSocial Services
ASROAddressing Substance Related OffendingAlcohol court sentence requirement
ATRAlcohol Treatment RequirementAlcohol use court order


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
BBVBlood Borne VirusViruses that some people carry in their blood which may cause severe disease in certain people and few or no symptoms in other.
BCUBasic Command Unit (Police)
BMEBlack & Minority Ethnic
BSFTBrief Solution Focussed  TherapyA therapeutic approach


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
CADACornwall Alcohol & Drugs AgencyWe Are With You
CAMHSChildren & Adolescent Mental Health Services
CARATsCounselling, Assessment, Referral, Advice, Throughcare service
CCJ&DCommunities, Criminal Justice & Drugs GroupDAAT Partnership meeting
CDATCornwall Drugs & Alcohol TeamNHS/CPT
CDRPCrime & Disorder Reduction Partnership
CHADCommunity Hospital Alcohol DetoxAlcohol detox provision in local hospitals
CIOSCornwall & Isles of Scilly
CJITCriminal Justice Integrated TeamMulti-agency team delivering DRRs, DIP & prolific offender work
CMHTCommunity Mental Health TeamNHS/CPT
CPChild Protection
CPSCrown Prosecution Service
CPTCornwall Partnership TrustNHS Community Mental Health and Substance Misuse Trust
CSFChildren, Schools & FamiliesA department of Cornwall Council
CUFCornwall Users Forum


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
DAATDrug and Alcohol Action Team
DAMSDrug and Alcohol Monitoring SystemAllows service providers to upload their agency files for monthly data submission to the NDTMS programme
DANOSDrug and Alcohol National Occupational StandardsNational training knowledge set for all drug and alcohol practitioners
DCPADevon & Cornwall Probation Area
DESDesignated Enhanced ServiceGP based alcohol screening service
DIPDrug Intervention ProgrammeNational framework for Prison release and Arrest Referral drug work
DRDDrug Related Death
DRRDrug Rehabilitation RequirementDrug use court order
DTTODrug Treatment and Testing Order
Dual DiagnosisPeople with substance misuse and psychiatric problems


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
ECMEvery Child MattersThe government green paper issued in 2004 outlining the programme of change to improve outcomes for all children & young people
ECMSElectronic Case Management System
ECRExtra Contractual ReferralBudget covering out of County detox/residential rehab


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
GOSWGovernment Office South West
GPGeneral Practitioner
GPwSIGeneral Practitioner with Special Interest


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
HBVHepatitis B VirusBlood borne virus
HCCHealth Care Commission
HEPCHepatitis CBlood borne virus
HRHarm Reduction


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
IBAIdentification & Brief AdviceAlcohol brief intervention
ICPIntegrated Care PathwayMaps the path a client will follow in their treatment and coordinates their care
IIMSIntegrated Information Management SystemInter-agency case management and data tool
ISDGIntegrated Service Development GroupDAAT meeting


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
JC+Job Centre +
JCGJoint Commissioning GroupDAAT commissioning forum including all partners
JCMJoint Commissioning Manager


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
KPIKey Performance Indicators
KWITKernow Women In TouchService user group specifically for women


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
LAALocal Area Agreement
LACLooked After Children
LEALocal Education Authority
LESLocal Enhanced ServiceGP based alcohol screening service
LIAPLow Intensity Alcohol ModuleCourt sentence requirement
LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
MIMotivational InterviewingA therapeutic approach
MOCModels of Care
MOCAMModels of Care for Alcohol MisuseNational alcohol treatment Tiers framework


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
NAEGNeeds Assessment Expert GroupDAAT Needs Assessment Steering group
NAONational Audit Office
NCISNational Crime Intelligence Service
NDTMSNational Drug Treatment Monitoring SystemSystem used by agencies, that provide structured treatment for drug and/or alcohol users, to submit data for the NTA
NHSNational Health Service
NOMSNational Offender Management Scheme
NRFNeighbourhood Renewal FundA special non-ringfenced grant which has been made available to England’s most deprived authorities to improve services
NTANational Treatment AgencyA special health authority within the NHS to improve the availability, capacity and effectiveness of treatment for drug misuse in England
NXNeedle ExchangeInjecting drug users can obtain new needles and associated injection equipment in exchange for their used ones


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
PCTPrimary Care TrustNHS
PIDProject Initiation DocumentA logical document that brings together the key information needed to start the project
PODsPost Detox GroupCADA hosted multi-agency relapse prevention group
POUProlific Offender UnitMade up of staff from police, probation and health, with contribution from prison, housing and community departments, these units work with offenders in the area who are then assessed for intervention
PPOProlific and Priority Offender
PRUPupil Referral UnitsExcluded pupils
PSHEPersonal Social Health EducationEducational teaching strand


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
RCHTRoyal Cornwall Hospital TrustTreliske etc


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
SADQSeverity of Alcohol Dependence QuestionnaireScreening tool
SHAStrategic Health Authority
SLAService Level AgreementWork commissioned & evaluated, agreed by the DAAT and partner agencies
SPSupporting PeopleDeliver high quality and strategically planned housing-related services which are cost effective and reliable, and complement existing care services
SPOCSingle Point of Contact
SUsService Users
SUSTSubstance Use Screening Tool


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
Tiers of Service:Tier 1Tier 1 describes any service which may work with people, who are drug users, but this is not their core business and other people use these services as well. For example GP, Housing Offices, Dentist, A&E, Optician
Tier 2Tier 2 describes open access drug treatment services, usually provided through a community based agency. Open access services are those which the client does not have to make an appointment for so are usually available on a drop-in basis. This includes advice & information about drugs and drug treatment, needle exchange, brief interventions or telephone helplines
Tier 3Tier 3 describes structured treatment following an assessment of need and is appointment based. Tier 3 services include structured counselling, shared care, structured day care or specialist community prescribing
Tier 4Tier 4 describes any inpatient drug treatment which includes inpatient detoxification or residential rehabilitation
ToRTerms of ReferenceDescribe the purpose and structure of a meeting or project


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
UKATTUK Alcohol Treatment TrialProject in Leeds (?)


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
WCCWorld Class CommissioningNHS/PCT commissioning process


Abbreviation  In fullDescription
YOTYouth Offending TeamIdentifies the needs of each young offender by assessing them. Thus enables the YOT to identify suitable programmes to address the needs of the young person with the intention of preventing further offending
YPYoung People
YZUPWise Up to Alcohol & Drugs – YP ServiceDrug and alcohol service for young people.