

Everyone has the right to live their life free from violence, fear and abuse, but not everyone can protect themselves. Safeguarding Children – The safety and welfare of children is everyone’s business. ‘Safeguarding’ means protecting children (those who haven’t reached their 18th birthday) from physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect. It also means helping children to grow up into confident, healthy and happy adults.

Ideas for you

In Cornwall, the Early Help Hub (EHH) is the place to go to identify the most appropriate service to support children and young people. The EHH provides:

• A single point of contact for Cornwall Council and Community Based Children’s Early Help Support and Services
• A professional triage and processing hub for all service requests for Children’s Early Help Services
• A source of information and advice to help you access the right support for the child or young person in your care. Staff within the Early Help Hub will decide whether the child / young person is eligible for support and which service is most appropriate. This is usually in discussion with the person making the request and / or young person / family.

The MARU (Multi Agency Referral Unit) telephone 0300 123 1116 will try to help you by signposting you to the service that can best help meet your child’s needs. Sometimes they will recommend you speak to the Early Help Hub and they will complete an Early Help assessment. If you, or someone else, is concerned about the safety or welfare of your child(ren), the Children and Families Service will carry out an assessment to consider the most appropriate help. This allows professionals to talk to you and your child(ren) about any problems and, if appropriate, to plan the right help for you to solve these problems.

Things that might help

Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Children Board (OSCP) has lots more information.

Other services and support

For Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and Autistic Spectrum Disorder Assessment Team (ASDAT) call the Care Management Centre on 01872 221400

For Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) call 01208 834488

Advice for parents and young people for online safety and safeguarding from Internet Matters

Online safety advice for Parents and Young People from South West Grid for Learning

Advice from CEOPS on the internet and relationships

NSPCC Helpline Freephone Tel: 0808 800 500

Child Line Advice and support online chat Free Phone Tel: 0800 1111

If you’re an adult experiencing abuse or neglect, or if you’re concerned about an adult experiencing abuse or neglect, contact us on 0300 1234 131 (out of hours number 01208 251300) or contact us here For information on safeguarding children, see top of page.

If you’re an adult experiencing abuse or neglect contact us on 0300 1234 131 or contact us here. You can also contact us if you’re concerned about an adult who may be experiencing abuse or neglect.

Access Team:

0300 1234 131 Option 3

01872 326433 (Adult Safeguarding Triage Team)

Email: [email protected]

In an emergency dial 999 for the police.

For more detailed information relating to adult safeguarding visit The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Page