Advice for Older People Enjoying alcohol safely. Alcohol can remain an enjoyable and legitimate part of an older person’s life, just as for anyone else. Older people will drink alcohol for the same reasons as younger people: relaxation, celebration, and enjoyment... however, as we grow older we face different risks and we may need to learn new patterns of sensible drinking.

Enjoying Alcohol Responsibly: Advice for older people

Older people drink alcohol for the same reasons as younger people: Relaxation, Celebration, & Enjoyment. However, as we grow older, we may face different risks, and we may need to learn new patterns of sensible drinking. This is because our bodies work less efficiently in later life, and alcohol will probably affect us differently and more quickly. In particular, older people’s livers and kidneys can tend to function more slowly e.g. at filtering alcohol from the bloodstream, so alcohol may affect the brain and liver for longer.

Sensible limits:

Men and Women:

No more than 2-3 units a day, and no more than 14 units a week.

Everyone needs at least 3 days a week without alcohol.

Older people may need 4 days per week

Ways that alcohol might affect you:

For more information and advice download our leaflet here

With You provide support for people over the age of 50 who may be struggling with alcohol as part of their offer.

If you are over 50 and would like some support of advice around alcohol call them on 0333 2000 325