Drug and Alcohol support in Cornwall With You offers support for Adults and for Young People through the YZUP service.
If you need help or support with alcohol or drugs issues, With You have offices throughout Cornwall. You can visit their offices, call on the phone or be referred by your Doctor.

If you need some support you can self-refer to one of the services below or go through your GP.

Support Services

With You can support you to make positive behavioural changes. Whether that’s with alcohol, drugs, or mental health and wellbeing, they are there to help you improve your life in ways you never thought possible.

Telephone 0333 2000 325 (available 24 hours)

Website: https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/

Privacy notice With You Drug and Alcohol Treatment

The YZUP service provides community alcohol and drug treatment support for young people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. If you are under 18 and would like some advice and/or support contact them on the number below.

YZUP (young people): 01872 300816

YZUP Parent/Professional Leaflet YZUP Young Person Leaflet YZUP Service Poster


Overdose Awareness

Information on what an overdose is, the risks, signs to look out for and what to do if someone is in overdose.

Naloxone near me

Contact details and addresses of local naloxone availability.

Discarded Needles and Needle Exchange

Information on how to report discarded needles and information on With You’s needle exchange service.

Safer Injecting Advice and Harm Reduction

Information on how to minimise the risks and harm from injecting.

Reporting Drug Information and Intelligence

Information on how to report any information about drugs and link to the reporting form.


Information on different drugs.



General information on alcohol, support information and link to the Cornwall Alcohol Needs Assessment

Alcohol units – what’s safe?

Information on how to work out a unit, the recommended number of units per week, and a proposed drinking timetable.

Advice for Older People

More specific information for older people as they may face different risks from alcohol.

Keep Safe From Drink Spiking

Ideas and information to help you stay safe from drink spiking, and support links.

Monthly Mocktails

Our monthly mocktail recipes for those who would rather ditch the alcohol.

Other information and Support

Detoxification from Drugs and/or Alcohol

Information on detox and local services.

Bosence Farm Ltd

Link to the Bosence Farm website for information on their support and treatment services.

With You Chy

Link to the With You Chy website for information on their rehab services and the support they offer.

Support Groups

Information on local support groups for drugs and alcohol.

Accommodation, Employment and Training

Information and links to support around accommodation and employment.

Safer Cornwall DAAT Training Programme

Information on the courses we offer and how to book.

Cornwall Time Credits

Information on Time Credits and contact details.

Glossary of Drug and Alcohol Terms

Glossary of terms and abbreviations related to drugs and alcohol.

About Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Drug and Alcohol Action Team (CIoS DAAT)

Our purpose is to ensure the delivery of the national and local drug and alcohol strategies which aim to reduce the harm that illegal drug use and alcohol misuse causes you, your families and your communities. Our staff work with partner agencies, including those from social care, health and criminal justice services to:

Our Vision

To continue to develop and deliver a drug and alcohol treatment system that:

  1. is simple for you to access;
  2. allows you to navigate a clear range of pathways, options and choices;
  3. is delivered through co-ordinated partnership working;
  4. supports recovery and positive community integration at the end of your treatment journey.

Our role is to:

Addiction – Drug and Alcohol, useful Links

Health and wellbeing, useful Links

Homelessness, useful Links

Relationships, useful Links

Safeguarding, useful Links

Work, Benefits & Debt, useful Links