DASV and VAWG continue to present the highest overall risk to communities across the southwest peninsula. The EOS Board was founded because we collectively identified the need to work more
collaboratively to improve outcomes for those affected.
Our residents deserve consistent and effective responses that provide them with safety and support, from crisis through to recovery, regardless of their location or personal circumstances, along with a commitment to prevention and early intervention, working towards eradicating domestic abuse and sexual violence and violence against women and girls from our communities.
The board was established in 2019 and is a partnership of Commissioners and Strategic Leads with responsibility for the delivery of domestic abuse and sexual violence services across the local authorities of Devon, Torbay, Plymouth, and Cornwall. Board members include representatives from Local Authorities, the Devon Integrated Care Board, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC), and Victim Support (Strategic Delivery Partner for the OPCC).
EOS, in Greek mythology, is the goddess and personification of
the dawn, who rose each morning to deliver light and disperse the night. This name was chosen for the Board to articulate the
intention to create opportunities for change and positive
outcomes for people experiencing domestic abuse and sexual
violence (DASV) and violence against women and girls (VAWG) in
Devon and Cornwall.
Commissioned by EOS to ensure services are as inclusive as possible for those with a learning disability, this project was awarded to The Women’s Centre Cornwall (TWCC) and started in 2023.
Project aims included:
Research and engagement was conducted on the needs of people with learning disabilities, learning difficulties, autism (and/or both) (and neurodiversity) and barriers in the local system to accessing support.
Throughout the project, emphasis was placed the importance of co-production and empowerment of women with learning disabilities. This approach was integrated into the project’s design, production, and delivery, in collaboration with the DIVAS. The project was inclusive of men with learning disabilities, and some issues were identified, however, to a lesser extent due to limited information and lack of by and for organisations supporting men with learning disabilities.
As a result of this project, a number of resources were created. These are currently being uploaded to our resource page.
While the training for professional’s element of the project has come to an end, The Women’s Centre Cornwall still work with their DIVAS to deliver training. Read more information about the DIVAS.
Watch The Women’s Centre Cornwall and the DIVAS present about their work and findings from the project below:
This project is ongoing. We hope to be able to share outcomes and resources by April 2025.