Working together to tackle anti-social behaviour
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In response to recent riots, including those in Plymouth, we condemn the acts of racism witnessed. We are committed to ensuring that everyone in Cornwall feels safe, included, and respected. Hate incidents have no place in Cornwall, and we, as community leaders, will continue to work towards a fair and inclusive environment for all. If you or anyone you know, does experience a hate related incident then please encourage them to report it. See here for further details of how you can do that Hate crime - Safer Cornwall
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Welcome to Safer Cornwall

Safer Cornwall is a partnership of public, voluntary, community and private organisations who come together to do all that they can to make Cornwall’s communities safer.

We are a virtual organisation providing a co-ordinated response to community safety issues, drawing together all those organisations and people that can make a difference.

Safer Communities Toolkit

Our Safer Communities Toolkit pages are to assist residents to create their own Community Group to galvanise local residents and volunteers to improve safety and cohesion in their community.


Click on a link to find out more about the support we offer in that area

Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence


Anti-social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour covers a range of acts including verbal abuse, vandalism, joyriding, noise nuisance, criminal damage, assault, throwing missiles, underage drinking, engaging in threatening behaviour.

Safer Cornwall DAAT Training Programme


Drugs and Alcohol



Exploitation is where someone takes unfair advantage of others to gain something for themselves.

Terrorism & Extremisim

The Prevent strategy is part of the UK Counter-Terrorism Strategy known as Contest.

Hate Crime

Safer Cornwall partners are working together to make it easier to report hate crime, improve our response and ensure that victims and their families are supported.

Violence Against Women and Girls

Click to visit the Violence Against Women And Girls pages on the Cornwall Council website.

Serious & Organised Crime

Although serious and organised crime (SOC) is often thought of in a regional, national or international context its impact is most felt by local communities.


A library of documents and publications to download covering all aspects of crime and disorder in Cornwall.

Fire & Rescue

Click to visit the Fire & Rescue pages on the Cornwall Council website.

Reduce Reoffending


Have your say

Your views are important to us – they will help us to provide the right services for everybody.


Serious Violence


Safer Towns

Safer Towns aim to improve community safety and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour by providing intensive partnership support for the ten towns with the highest levels of crime and disorder, delivering strong local action plans that respond to the needs and voices of the whole community.

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