Safer Liskeard The aim of Safer Liskeard is to improve community safety and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour by targeting persistent problem places and people within the geographical area and work with communities, partners and the business and voluntary sectors to develop sustainable solutions.

Safer Liskeard

Safer Liskeard facilitates and supports a co-ordinated multi-agency approach to community safety issues to improve feelings of safety and public reassurance, reduce the risk of harm to the community and protect vulnerable groups.  Safer Liskeard involves community members in the work of the partnership and encourages social inclusion and community participation through being part of the problem solving process and having a sense of pride in Liskeard.

Photo: Liskeard in Bloom

Our aim is that Cornwall is a place where the people who live, work and visit here feel safe and are safe, through partners working together to tackle crime, alcohol, drugs, anti-social behaviour and their impacts. The Safer Towns Programme provides a targeted multi-agency response in ten towns across Cornwall, directly involving local organisations and community groups in examining local problems and what everyone can do to improve them.

Our priorities:

Based on the evidence presented in the Liskeard Town Profile and feedback from the Residents Survey, Safer Liskeard has identified the following community safety priorities for the town.

  1. Drug related harm and recovery (including drug networks/ county lines).
  2. Domestic abuse and sexual violence and reducing violence against women and girls.
  3. Pride in Liskeard and improved feelings of safety
  4. Community engagement and building resilience
  5. Youth engagement

These community safety priorities are addressed through the live delivery plan.  Progress is measured through achievement of quarterly and annual milestones over the lifetime of the plan and key deliverables/outcomes are reported to the Safer Cornwall Partnership.

Safer Liskeard partners include;

Devon and Cornwall Police
Cornwall Council
Liskeard Town Council
Liskeard Town Forum
Housing providers
Liskeard Secondary School and Community College
Community Mental Health Team
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
and the Voluntary and Community Sector

What we have achieved:

Further information and news

Community Safety

  • For reporting crime and anti-social behaviour contact the police by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency
  • Graffiti can be reported here
  • Fly tipping and illegal dumping can be reported here
  • For concerns about rubbish such as glass and drug litter/needles; call Cornwall Council Refuse and Recycling on 0300 1234 141 or email [email protected]


Housing and benefits


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Hate Crime Pledge

The Zero Tolerance to Hate Crime Pledge.

Hate crime can harm the very core of someone’s identity and whilst this may often be committed through ignorance it can also be associated with inherent hostility and prejudice.

“…behind every hate crime is a message: You are not welcome here.
Behind every strong community is another: Yes, you are.”

Let’s be a strong inclusive community – sign the pledge to send a clear message “Hate Crime is NOT tolerated