Call out negative behaviour.

Tell the person to stop or ask the victim if they are ok.

Do this as a group if you can.

Be polite.

Don’t aggravate the situation – remain calm and state why something has offended you.

Stick to exactly what happened, don’t exaggerate.

Interrupt: start a conversation with the person engaging in the inappropriate behaviour to allow the potential target to move away or have friends intervene.

Or come up with an idea to get the person out of the situation – for example, say you need to speak to them or their friend is looking for them. Any excuse to get them away to safety.

Alternatively, try distracting or re-directing the situation.

If you feel too uncomfortable speaking out, or you don’t feel safe to do so, get someone else to step in.

Any decent venue will have a zero tolerance policy on harassment, so the staff there will act.

If the situation is too dangerous to challenge there and then, (such as there is the threat of physical violence or you are outnumbered), just walk away.

Wait for the situation to pass then ask the victim later if they are ok.

Or report it when it is safe to do so – it’s never too late to act.

In an emergency, call the police on 999.

Alternatively if you or someone has been raped or sexually assaulted
you can call Devon and Cornwall SARC on 0300 303 4626

REMEMBER to never put yourself in danger.
Only intervene if safe to do so.

Download our A4 guide to the 4Ds here.