The needs assessment aims to provide a shared understanding of local need in relation to domestic abuse and sexual violence, to inform the development of local services and enable everyone affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence to have their needs met more effectively. It provides answers to the following questions:
The first comprehensive needs assessment on domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall was published in January 2016. This update brings the prevalence and trend data up-to-date, highlighting changes in patterns and trends and any emerging risks. It includes a review of the effectiveness of commissioned services and the wider system, using the latest data from the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Outcomes Framework.
DASV Needs AssessmentThis new strategy brings together Safer Cornwall (Cornwall’s Community Safety Partnership); Our Safeguarding Children’s Partnership; the Health and Wellbeing Board; and Cornwall’s Safeguarding Adults Board. It is the first cross partnership DASV strategy for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, bringing together the key organisations who play a role in making our county a place where domestic abuse and sexual abuse is not tolerated.
Read the strategy here:
CIoS Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence StrategyThis strategy brings together the four statutory boards in Cornwall with the responsibility for community safety and safeguarding adults and children, and all of the Organisations that are represented through these Boards, to develop a shared vision and understanding to end VAWG. This strategy and its delivery plan are co-owned by all four boards and there is a joint commitment to its implementation.
Violence against Women and Girls StrategyThe new Domestic Abuse Act 2021 introduced specific duties with respect to providing safe accommodation, including a local needs assessment and a strategy.
The needs assessment provides specific information relating to safe accommodation, to meet the new duty, set within the broader context of the local need for domestic abuse support services.
Click here to read the Safe Accommodation Strategy.
DASV Needs Assessment Safe Accommodation Domestic abuse safe accommodation and housing strategy