Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Ending domestic abuse and sexual violence (DASV) and violence against women and girls (VAWG) are priorities for Safer Cornwall. Beyond the immediate physical and emotional harm caused, DASV and VAWG have far-reaching and long-lasting impacts on adults and children.

Support over the festive period

Help is available for anyone who is concerned about domestic abuse or sexual violence during the festive period.

Safer Futures offers support and advice via its helpline 0300 777 4 777. From 9am-8pm Monday to Friday, and 9am-1pm Saturday. The helpline will be open from 9am-3pm on Christmas Eve and will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.

Cornwall Refuge Trust has a 24/7 domestic abuse helpline: 01872 225629

The Women’s Centre Cornwall helpline is available 10am-1pm Monday to Friday and 6pm-9pm on Mondays evenings, closed from Christmas Day to 2nd January: 01208 77099

Devon and Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) offers support for rape or sexual assault: 0300 303 4626

National Domestic Abuse Helpline (24/7): 0808 2000 247

Rape Crisis (24/7) support line: 0808 500 2222

NHS Mental Health Support (24/7): 0800 038 5300

The Samaritans for suicidal thoughts (24/7): 116 123

Call 999, if you are at immediate risk. If you ring 999 but can’t talk, coughing or tapping the handset, or dialling 55 will alert the police.

For more information about the support on offer you can watch the video here:

What is domestic abuse and sexual violence?

For information about domestic abuse for non-english speakers, please click here to watch The Women’s Centre Cornwall videos in Arabic, Bulgarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Ukrainian.

People experiencing domestic abuse and/or sexual violence


Violence against women and girls (VAWG)

This page directs you to information about our strategy for ending violence against women and girls (VAWG) in Cornwall

People engaging in abusive behaviour

Being abusive towards your partner can make their life unbearable.

Help and support available.

Children and young people

Advice for young people living in an abusive household.

Domestic abuse and sexual violence in the workplace

There are a number of things you can do to support your staff if they are experiencing domestic abuse and/or sexual violence.

Training, resources and useful links.

Our 2023-28 strategy for ending domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly has five priorities:

1. Strengthening prevention and early intervention.
2. Increasing access and breaking down barriers.
3. Behaviour change, justice and protection.
4. Greater support for victims and survivors.
5. Working together.
CIoS Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy
Our cross-partnership conference in October 2023 brought together national and local experts and services to discuss how Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are tackling the root causes of unhealthy relationships, domestic abuse and sexual violence (DASV) and violence against women and girls (VAWG).

Speakers included the Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales, Nicole Jacobs; Michelle Griffith Robinson OLY; Laura Bates of the Everyday Sexism Project; and Nathaniel Horne from Beyond Equality.

Information on other support services can be found here

Information for Professionals

If you’re working with people impacted by domestic abuse and/or sexual violence this page provides advice and can help you make an appropriate referral to other services.

Bystander Training

Click here for Bystander Training Information

16 days of Action

16 Days of Action is an annual, international campaign which raises awareness of, and calls for an end to gender-based violence.


Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews (DARDRs)

Previously called Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs), Safer Cornwall has a statutory duty to undertake Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews (DARDRs).

DASV Strategy 2023-28


Safe Accommodation Strategy

Safer Cornwall is committed to ensuring support is available to everyone who needs access to safe accommodation when fleeing domestic abuse.

Guidance and resources for teachers and school staff

This directs you to information for teachers and schools developed by the Government as part of the Enough campaign

MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference)

All services have a MARAC and DASV representative to provide support determining whether a case should be referred to MARAC, based on the level of risk being identified, professional judgement or risk of escalation.

You can refer to the MARAC directly using the MARAC referral form. A Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour-Based Violence (DASH) Risk Assessment will also need to be submitted.

Please contact your manager or email [email protected] to identify your MARAC rep.