Healthy Relationships for Young People Find out about the services across Cornwall that can support young people with their relationships.

Healthy Relationships for Young People.

Young people and children are particularly vulnerable to intimate partner abuse, peer-on-peer abuse and intra-familial abuse. This can include physical, sexual, emotional, psychological abuse and, also, cyber stalking, coercive control and sexual pressure and abusive control online.

Safer Futures offers early intervention, education, support and safety planning for young people and children who are experiencing and/or witnessing Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.

If you think you or someone you know is experiencing or witnessing Domestic Abuse and/or Sexual Violence, call 0300 777 4777 or visit Safer Futures – Domestic Abuse Support, Cornwall

Additional support is also available at:

Call the Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU) on 0300 1231 116 or visit Our Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP)

Call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000

Call Childline on 0800 1111 or visit Friends, relationships and sex | Childline

Healthy Relationships Alliance

Relationships are important in all our lives and play a huge part in a young person’s wellbeing. Healthy relationships can help with feelings of security, whereas unhealthy relationships can have long-lasting impacts.

In Cornwall, a range of professionals from community safety, health and education services have come together to form a Healthy Relationships Alliance. Our aim is to ensure that young people:

The alliance also provides support for parents and those working with young people. For more information about how our services support RSE in schools and community settings, read our 2-minute guide:

Healthy Relationships – 2-minute guide

Check out some of our Healthy Relationships services by clicking their logo below:

Healthy relationships and sexual health

PSHE Lesson Plans

Resources for professionals – Education and Outreach – Sexual Health Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

Domestic abuse and healthy relationships

Resources for professionals – Education – Safer Futures

Mental health

FAQs for parents/carers

Also provide support for parents.

Healthy relationships & child abuse

Advice for parents – Healthy relationships | NSPCC

Resources for Professionals – Safeguarding in schools | NSPCC Learning

Domestic abuse and healthy relationships

Resources for Professionals – Expect Respect – Women’s Aid

Social, emotional and mental health

Parent and Carer series – Parent Carer Series 2 – Education : Headstart Kernow


Is this love? Campaign

Is This Love? has been designed to help you recognise and learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships and where to go for more help and support. For more information, visit Is this love?

Brook Cornwall videos

What is a healthy relationship?

Signs of an unhealthy relationship.



Modern man (part 1)

Modern man (part 2)

Enough campaign

The Enough campaign has been created in collaboration with victims and survivors, the violence against women and girls sector, academics, and victims’ services.

Visit Campaign resources | ENOUGH for campaign resources and guidance.

Useful Links: