About this event
This online course is for anyone who wishes to increase their understanding and awareness of illegal drug use.
Understanding the effects of a range of commonly used substances, and the context in which drug use takes place can help us to respond in a way that reduces risk, has a positive impact on the lives of drug users, their families and the communities in which they live and work.
Course Aims
Following completion of this 1-day course, you will be able to achieve the following learning outcomes:
• Increased understanding of commonly used drugs, their effects and relative harms.
• To distinguish the relative risks and problems associated with drug use and the most effective responses.
• Clarify what tolerance, withdrawal, addiction and dependency mean.
• Explore how people change and how this relates to a clear understanding of recovery.
This course has been mapped to the Drugs and Alcohol National Occupational Standards (DANOS) in Skills for Health and Social Care.
It helps people to develop their knowledge, skills and competence in the following DANOS units:
• AA1, AB2, AB5, AC1, AD1
For more information please contact the DAAT Team on [email protected]
This course will be a full days online training from 9.30am – 4.30pm (including regular breaks). A Microsoft Teams link will be circulated direct to the attendees via a meeting request a week prior to the training date.
The course is free of charge.
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